you may find that you make enough money for your living and other things but come this time when your finances are refusing to do things. In that issue you may start to wander what it is that have gone wrong. Sometime bad and negative spirits and the spirits of witches can be used to put you in some financial crises. In other ways you may find that your money is being taken by the magic or else the problem is in you and you need to get rid of bad spells.
Bad financial magic presented as the good one
I really do not get it when some traditional and spiritual healers advertise or publish that they have rats that take money and give it to a person and make those person wealthy. I destroy those rats and I don’t like them because there is no truth in them. Whose money do they take and give it to whom? Are they not Tikoloshis and goblins? If they are not why do they give those people money and they become a family night mare at the end. There are homes that you will hardly stay or sleep in them because of these things. I remove and destroy such spells if they are troubling you.
Understanding love binding spells with Baba & Mama Rinadah
What is a binding spell? The binding spells are the acts of magical, supernatural powers combined with spiritual powers with perhaps muthi and or prayers in line with some people’s belief basically to tie someone to you. They are energies bad or good to create a full of life bond between two people so that
Relationships, Love affairs and Marriage Problems
These spirits that destroy marriages creates loners, prostitution, single parenthood, and that of Gay and Lesbian; They take away all the hopes of a true love from a person and make them feel that nobody is good at all so life can be lived any way. These spirits that destroy love affairs and marriages can shift a person who has had a child in a proper relationship to a Gay lesbian life; that is when men have convinced themselves or made themselves to believe that there is no good woman for marriage and preferred another man for a sexual relationship, same applies with women when they have given up on men to women sexual lives, they opt for Lesbian lives.
Baba is back in South Africa, the cry of his people that he must come back has been heard; The Great One is here. Baba is now operating in Sandton in Vaal in Gauteng province of South Africa. For some bigger rituals; especial those ones for running churches, businesses and organisational leadership depending on the size he can take you to Makwe mountains in Gwanda, Mat South, Taganyika . It is not always that one has to be taken to Makwe Mountains of Baba but only for the graduation of these bigger rituals. For more information Call on: +27787609980__Email:
Financial problems
you may find that you make enough money for your living and other things but come this time when your finances are refusing to do things. In that issue you may start to wander what it is that have gone wrong. Sometime bad and negative spirits and the spirits of witches can be used to put you in some financial crises. In other ways you may find that your money is being taken by the magic or else the problem is in you and you need to get rid of bad spells.
The Great One is here
The Great One is here
Any questions or needs?
Please let me know, I (Baba $ Mama Rinda, traditional healer) am willing to help and or advise you. Please contact me on +27787609980 South Africa:
Bring back stolen property
Steal someone’s property he seek for help with Baba and see what you will become. When you steal, you obviously use force, and I use the same force to get the things back its rightful owner. Muthi, the spells that search for the things you have stolen will cook you. It happens that the stolen goods may go forever because of the way they will have moved and because of the type of goods, but still the thief will be cooked by the spells searching for the stolen property.
Domestic problems
these are the spirits cast by the evil people to breakdown families. That is why some people who are victimizing others in this particular area, they always have to be heard apologizing and confessing and stating that they do not know how everything comes about. You find that some of these people always have these problems when they are at home, but when they live those particular homes those problems go away. I chase those spirits and even send them back to the perpetrators. Any questions or needs?
Please let me know, I (Baba $ Mama Rinda, traditional healer) am willing to help and or advise you. Please contact me on +27787609980 South Africa:
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